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  • How do I become a member of RCC?
    There are no requirements to be a member of RCC! The best way to get started is to attend our weekly meetings (for Spring Quarter 2024, club meetings will be held on Monday, 5-6pm in SSL 228). If your schedule conflicts with the meeting time, sign up for our weekly newsletter via CampusGroups to receive updates on service events, fundraising, socials, and more club activities! It is never too late to join the club! We are always happy to welcome new members. CampusGroups Registration Instructions: 1) Click on this link ( or scan the QR code below. 2) Sign in with your UCI account. 3) Select “Join”
  • When are RCC meetings this quarter?
    For Spring 2024, general meetings will be held in an IN-PERSON format every Monday, 5-6pm in SSL 228!
  • How do I register for the club through CampusGroups?
    CampusGroups Registration Instructions: 1) Click on this link ( or scan the QR code below. 2) Sign in with your UCI account. 3) Select “Join”
  • Is there a membership fee to be an RCC member?
    Membership is completely free! Since we want to look like a team while volunteering, we highly encourage our members to purchase a shirt for $14 that is valid for the entire school year.
  • Do I have to attend meetings to become a member? What if I cannot make it to the meetings?
    You do not have to attend meetings to become a member or to be active. Everything covered in meetings are usually sent out in weekly emails and will also be posted on this website. Please contact us if you have any questions or interests in signing up for events!
  • What are the benefits of being an Active Member?
    If you are an active member for at least 2 quarters, you are eligible to apply for board positions. This application process occurs during the spring quarter and is a great oppourtunity to be part of RCC. You are also rewarded an active membership certificate during at the final meeting of the quarter. Please e-mail our Secretary, Sean, if you are unable to redeem your certificate at that time.
  • What if I can't be an Active Member this quarter? Will I be removed from the club?
    Active membership is NOT required to be a part of this club. We completely understand that everyone has their own life and cannot commit towards active membership. We are open to anyone who wants to join the club.
  • Who can I talk to about membership points? Where can I view the points?
    You can view your points on our website. Please give us some time to update points after each event. If you have any concerns, please contact us through our email ( or Instagram !
  • How does Member Spotlight work?
    Chosen general members will be emailed individually by us if they are interested in participating in the opportunity to be spotlighted on our Instagram and website. If the member agrees to participate, they will be asked to answer questions regarding their club and to send an image of them wearing the club shirt. Members will be chosen by board memebrs based-off of participation in club activites and engagement with club events.
  • Am I required to donate blood to be a part of the club?
    No. Although our club is under the The American Red Cross, we do not require members to donate blood. We offer plenty of other options for our members to contribute to the community besides than donating blood.
  • How can I be more involved in RCC?
    You can be more involved by coming to our weekly meetings and be updated throughout the quarter. Discover the different kinds of community service we are involved in through our weekend events. Participate in our fundraisers to let everyone else on campus know about our club. Give by donating blood and lastly, our socials are always a pleasure for our members to get to know one another through more than just our passion for community service.
  • Do I have to be a Bio/STEM major to join?
    Nope! Everyone is welcome :)
  • Is it too late to join?
    Nope! You can join the club at any point during the quarter or year! We’d love to have you :)
  • How do I get myself added to the waitlist for weekend events?
    Please email us ( as soon as possible with your name, phone number, email, family, and whether you can drive, and if so how many people can you bring including yourself, or not. Please title the subject line with the name of the event you are aim to attend.
  • I filled out the form to sign up for an event. Will I get an email if I get in?
    Whenever there are any upcoming service events, we will send out two types of emails: 1. Confirmed Attendees: This email will be sent to members who were selected to attend the event. It contains all the information you need to know about the event. 2. Waitlist - This email is sent to members who were not selected to attend the event. If you receive this email, please DO NOT show up to the meetup location unless we contact you to inform you about the availability of a spot.
  • What happens if I forget to wear my RCC shirt to an event?
    We will NOT be requiring volunteers to wear RCC shirts to events or fundraising this year! However, we highly encourage members to wear their shirts to fundraisers and volunteer events so the club presents a unified front to the rest of UCI and local community!
  • When do I get a T-shirt?
    You are NOT required to wear your RCC shirt at our weekend events. However, we highly encourage general and active members to purchase a shirt and wear them to events and fundraising so the RCC looks like a family at every event we attend together. The link to order your own RCC t-shirt is presented near the end of every meeting! Here is the 2023-2024 T-Shirt Order Form!
  • Do I have to buy this year’s RCC t-shirt for events?
    For our non-American Red Cross (non-ARC) affiliated events, you are not required to wear your RCC t-shirt. However, the RCC t-shirt will be a requirement for our ARC-related events (Shadetree, Campus Beautification, and Sound the Alarm). As a result, we do encourage members to purchase the t-shirt for the 2023-2024 school year if they are planning to attend these events ($14).
  • Who do I contact if I have a question about an event I’m supposed to be attending?
    Email us at to contact our event chairs, Neeraj and Kiara! Please do not message us through Instagram if you have a question about an event!
  • How do I sign up for fundraising?
    You don’t need to do anything beforehand! Just come to our fundraising spot on a fundraising day and sign in with one of the board members at the booth! The fundraising days and spots for any given week are announced during general meetings, in the weekly newsletter, and can be found on our website.
  • When are the fundraising dates for RCC?
    The fundraising dates, times, and booth location are announced during the weekly meetings and are posted on the website under the Fundraising page.
  • Where does the money go towards?
    This year, we have been focusing our efforts on fundraising for the American Red Cross (ARC). There are multiple causes that the ARC supports, such as Disaster Relief, Where It Is Needed Most, Our Local Red Cross (the OC chapter in Santa Ana), and Blood Services. This quarter, we are focusing our efforts towards ARC’s Disaster Relief. The ARC provides relief to those who are affected by fires, storms, earthquakes, etc. Additionally, they also provide short-term and long-term relief after disasters, such as financial assistance. Feel free to access this website to learn more:
  • What do we usually sell during fundraisers?
    We usually sell our famous Korean BBQ tacos on campus out on Ring Road! We will also be selling cute club-designed stickers and keychains!
  • Do I have to wear my RCC shirt during fundraisers?
    No, wearing your RCC shirt during fundraising is not required, though it is highly encouraged. If you want to show your club pride through the shirt, you are more than free to do so!
  • What if I can’t attend any of the fundraising days?
    Email us at to see what other opportunities we may be able to make available to you!
  • Why do RCC general meetings have different times/rooms each quarter?
    Unfortunately, we are not able to choose which classrooms are assigned to us. When booking rooms for RCC each quarter, we are required to submit a Classroom Request Form. The Student Center and Events Services (SCES) is in charge of coordinating and processing room reservations for campus organizations. We are assigned a time/room based on our preferences, but they give us whatever room is available since course-coded classes do take priority over campus organizations when it comes to scheduling. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
  • Where can I find the weekly newsletter?
    You can sign up for the weekly newsletter by joining our CampusGroups! Link:
  • What payment methods do you accept?
    We accept cash, credit card, and Zelle! We are no longer accepting Venmo and Paypal.
  • What’s the Family System?
    The family system is a method that we use to meet and get to know more people in the club. The club is split into four families each quarter, and each family is part of a theme (this year’s theme is Sesame Street). General members can earn points for their families by being active and participating in club activities (events, fundraising, petitions, discord engagement, etc). The family who earns the most points at the end of the quarter wins the family competition! You can also grow closer with the members of your family by attending general meetings and socials.
  • How do I join a family?
    In order to get sorted into a family, please contact our secretary, Sean, through our email ( Be sure to join your family in the ⁠#families-and-roles channel in the Discord server to gain access to special chats, emotes, and just to get to know your family outside of the club!
  • Am I required to attend socials?
    Nope! If you are interested in attending any social throughout the quarter, please be sure to fill out the interest forms and RSVP forms!
  • How do I join the Intramural team?
    Please contact our Internal chairs, Jake and Komal, via our email ( to let them know that you are interested. They will then put you into a family. Then, join the RCC Intramural Team Discord ( After joining the Discord, make sure to buy the IM pass for the quarter ($25) and also a 2023-2024 RCC T-Shirt ($14)!
  • What are the differences between the Internal and External position?
    Our Internal chairs are primarily responsible for interactions within the club, so they are the ones who are in charge of coming up with Icebreakers during our general meetings. They also plan our club-wide socials such as Fall Bonfire, the Dave & Buster social, and our Scavenger Hunt. Our External chairs are responsible for interactions with outside organizations. They are the ones who contact sponsors to help raise additional funds for the club. Additionally, externals are also in charge of planning our bigger club-wide events such as Thanksgiving Dinner, Charity Gala, and Banquet.
  • When is CPR Training offered?
    This year, CPR training will be offered later this Winter/Spring Quarter. CPR training and certifications are handled with external organizations, so we are not the ones who teach the course. If you have 30+ hours logged into your Volunteer Connection account, you are eligible to receive a free coupon for a CPR course.
  • What are the Community Guidelines?
    In addition to our club’s Constitution, our Community Guidelines document elaborates more on the expectations of our board and general members. The document serves to emphasize that RCC at UCI is no place for any form of discrimination, violence, sexual violence, or harassment. The Community Guidelines can be found on the RCC Community Guidelines page.
  • What changes have been made to the Red Cross Club at UCI during the COVID-19 pandemic? (Fall 2021)
    As the campus is transitioning back to on campus learning, the Red Cross Club at UCI will transition back to on campus operation, though there will be online alternatives if you absolutely cannot make any of the in-person activities. All events in the in-person format will follow COVID-19 precautions. Please check out for more information!
  • Are we having in-person events?
    Yes! Most of our events offered for members will be held in person. However, we do understand that some are uneasy about returning to on campus and going to in person events, so we will be offering a number of online at-home service events as well. More information will be given when these events are coming up!
  • Are we having in-person fundraising?
    Yes! As the campus is fully transitioning back to in-person classes, we will be mainly focused on in-person fundraising for general members to gain points for active membership. We will be selling food as of Fall 2022 while following current UCI COVID-19 guidelines, and we will require members who fundraise in person to wear masks andwash hands and keep everything sanitized. We may also be hosting livestream events as a way to fundraise! Livestreaming and other online fundraising methods may be used to supplement in-person fundraising. More details to come. If you absolutely cannot make it to in-person fundraising and need the fundraising points for Active Membership, please send us an email at
  • Are there alternatives if I’m not coming to campus this year/quarter?
    Yes! We understand if you are not able to jon us for our in-person events, so we will offer a number of alternative. Our general meetings will be held in-person and our announcements will be made public on the website and Discord once the meeting ends. We encourage members to signup for our CampusGroups to recieve our weekly newsletters via email, and coonect with us via our social media to stay up to date with club affairs and/or potential remote opportunities should those become available to our members. If there are any questions or concerns regarding not earning enough points remotely, please send us an email (
  • What COVID precautions are we taking?
    We will be following UCI guidelines for COVID-19 along with following guidelines set by the organizations we are partnering with for events.
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