Throughout the year RCC holds fundraisers for the American Red Cross for the Orange County chapter, our parent organization. These funds will go towards various causes that the American Red Cross will support, such as Hurricane Ida relief.
For Spring 2024, we will be utilizing in-person methods to fundraise for our club.
For in-person fundraising, we will be selling various items (including stickers and Kimchi Fried Rice) and will be following UCI's guidelines for COVID-19 precautions, which includes but does not limit to wearing a mask, santizing the area frequently, etc. We will update this page on Fundraising date and times and will display the signup links to join us in fundraising! You can also just walk up to us and fundraise if you forget to sign up.
Each hour of in-person fundraising will be 3 points towards Active Membership.
There are no plans for online fundraising for this Spring 2024 quarter. For online fundraising, we typically use livestreams via Twitch! You will be co-hosting a stream with a board member for various activities, whether you would like to stream some gameplay or simply just a cooking session! During the stream, there will be an option to donate to the American Red Cross to help support our club! More details about how live streaming for our club work to follow!!
Each hour of in-person fundraising will be 3 points towards Active Membership.
Want to check your fundraising hours? Click here for the general member sign-in sheet for Spring 2024!
As certain milestones of money raised are reached, board members will have to complete and post a challenge they previously determined. Every so often, there is a larger milestone where board members have to work together and complete a group challenge. All videos & recordings will be posted here on the RCC website!